Part 1: “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott

After reading “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott, it was kind of a cool to see how even people who write for a living can’t just sit down and write. They get stuck starting a first draft and writing down all their ideas on the paper. It was relieving and some what satisfying to hear, it was like it was hearing it was normal to struggle writing. As someone who definitely struggles with just sitting down and writing up a  first draft this paper was helpful. It made me feel like it was okay for the first draft to be a mess and all over the place because no one has to see it. The first draft is just to get the ideas on the paper and the ideas flowing.


Part 2: Revision Plan

My main goal is to narrow down the quotes I have chosen to the ones that are the most relevant and the ones that help support my main claims the most.


The steps I plan to take to achieve this goal:

  1. Reread my paper and see how well I use the quotes and how well I describe the quotes I used.
  2. Take out the quotes that feel just thrown in just to add more quotes in my paper.
  3. If I can’t connect the quote to my thesis in a clear way to understand, then I should consider taking it out of my essay.


The biggest problem I will have it actually getting rid of the quotes because I am the type of person to say but I can relate it this way or that way and try to make it fit just because I like the quote.


If this challenge comes up, I will have to ask a peer to read over the passage and ask if it makes sense to keep the quote or to remove the quote. Since I am so indecisive, getting an outside opinion on the matter can help me decide whether to chop the quote or keep the quote.