Learning Outcome 2

For my Showcase Writing Project, we had to incorporate three different sources as evidence in our paper. Those three sources were Yo-Yo Ma’s Necessary Edges, Jonah Lehrer’s The Future of Science is … Art? and Steven Pinker’s Science is not Your Enemy. Learning outcome two is students should be able to integrate their ideas with those of others using summary, paraphrase, quotation, analysis, and synthesis of relevant sources. The first step for including other sources in my writing is reading their work and annotating the article. When I annotate the article, it allows me to draw connections to the prompt, real-life scenarios, and the other sources I have read. Then, when it comes time to start drafting, the annotations I made help quotes and ideas from the article stand out. I tend to write my paragraphs and arguments around the quotes and ideas I found while I was reading. While I was reading Lehrer’s article I found this quote intriguing, “By heeding the wisdom of the arts, science can gain the kinds of new insights and perspectives that are the seeds of scientific progress”. I used this quote as evidence as to why we need the arts and sciences to join together to improve the scientific fields. My interpretation of this quote is that the arts and sciences need to come together to spark ideas and new ways of thinking that will hopefully improve the scientific process for us. Once I interpret the quote, then I can draw links to other quotes from other sources and I can add my own thoughts and opinions too. I used this quote and in paragraph two of my showcase writing project, where I also incorporated quote by Ma, my interpretations and some more thoughts on art and science. This is just one example of how I incorporated our sources as evidence but I go through the same process for each and every source we are asked to use for our papers.