Learning Outcome 4

Marked First Draft of a Peer’s Paper

Learning outcome four states students should be able to critique their own and others’ work by emphasizing global revision early in the writing process and local revision later in the process. When we did our first peer edits in English 110, I found it a lot harder to focus just on the global edits than I thought it would be. I didn’t realize how much spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes could bother me while reading over someone’s essay. I tried to overlook them and just focus on big global edits like organization, flow, and content but somehow I kept finding myself crossing out periods or commas, and changing the spelling or capitalization of words. I had never really been asked to make global edits before so to me this was a very new concept. I found I had to read through the draft a couple of times to make sure the flow was right and the pieces of the argument were all falling into the right place. In the peer review I provided in this post, you can tell from comment two that I commented on the repetitive content of the paragraph and gave a suggestion of how to fix it for a better flow overall. Comment four suggests that a sentence be moved to the following paragraph for it to fit in better and make more sense in the argument. Comments six and eight are overall flow comments. They aren’t huge errors but they are sentences that are confusing when they are read. Fixing those sentences can help the flow and comprehension of the essay overall.