My Recursive Writing Process

Before this class, I never thought of my writing process starting at reading the articles were given. I always thought brainstorming and drafting were the beginning of writing. My favorite active reading strategies are annotating and reading the text multiple times. Really getting to know the sources you are going to be working with is essential to your essay. When it comes time to start drafting, I tend to follow the thread of whatever strikes me at that moment. I don’t like to start with my introduction. To me, the introduction paragraph is the hardest paragraph to write. I write the body paragraphs then the introduction and conclusion. The peer review process very helpful. In the past, it wasn’t helpful since it was usually focused on local edits. Moving forward I will definitely always have a peer look at my paper before turning it in. To polish off my essays I either read them back to myself aloud or put them through Grammarly to catch all the little surface errors I made. I never used to do this before but this is so beneficial because the amount of mistakes I catch is incredible.

My Recursive Writing Process