Learning Outcome 5 & 6

This is the works cited page from my multimodal paper. Learning outcome five is being able to use MLA format to document our work. The articles we read are usually given to us from an online resource. I never know whether to cite them as a website or a magazine. During this class, I learned the correct way to cite my sources from The Little Seagull. For my multimodal paper, I also had to cite an interview which I have never done before either. The Little Seagull was really helpful in providing templates of exactly how to format each piece of the citation.

Learning outcome six is focusing on local edits. At the beginning of English 110, I was so focused on the global edits that the local edits were looked over. Then when it came time to turn in my final paper, I like to read my paper out loud to catch the sentences that are hard to read or are missing punctuation, or have the wrong grammar. Reading it out loud helps to pick up on the areas that are awkward to read. Then right before submitting the paper, I put my paper through Grammarly just for one last check to make sure that I didn’t miss anything when I was reading my paper. I still need to work on my local edits however because as you can see in the showcase writing project final draft, most of the marks that were made were about sentence-level errors.