  2. Five Minute Free Write Summary: After reading “The Future of Science…Is Art?”, I found that Jonah Lehrer mostly talked of the incorporation of art into neuroscience and physics. Lehrer definitely took a while to hit on the main points of his article and made it a lot of it more confusing than it needed to be, especially since not all of us are neuroscientists. The introduction he started off strong with his Niels Bohr example of art in science and then it kind of went downhill from there, and he lost my interest. Lehrer used a lot of sources like artists and scientists etc., to give examples of how art and science have worked hand in hand. He states that without art, science struggles to make breakthroughs or revolutionary changes since the creativity level isn’t there.
  3. Glossing the Text:
    1. “The bridging principle” — the neural event that would explain how the activity of our brain cells creates the subjective experience of consciousness.
    2. Reductionism — any of several related philosophical ideas regarding the associations between phenomena which can be described in terms of other simpler or more fundamental phenomena
    3. Epiphenomenon — s a secondary phenomenon that occurs alongside or in parallel to a primary phenomenon

One Comment

  1. Elisha M Emerson

    I’m curious where you specifically lost interest. It could be informative to identify that point and dissect what it was that led you to disengage.

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